We are Chapter 389
of The Mended Hearts®, Inc.,
  a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
The Mended Hearts® program is the nation's premier peer-support program for patients who have cardiovascular disease, their caregivers and their families. Since its humble beginning in 1951, Mended Hearts® has served millions by providing support and education, bringing awareness to issues that those living with heart disease face, and advocating to improve quality of life across the lifespan.
Sign up to become a member of Salem Mended Hearts® click here.
A membership is not required for you to attend our monthly meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend. Signing up as an Associate Member is free. Below are some additional membership types.

Membership Types:
By Nadine Jelsing (OPB)
In 1958 retired engineer, M. Lowell Edwards, approached cardiac surgeon, Dr. Albert Starr, with an idea to build an artificial heart. Agreeing to tackle the project one heart valve at a time, Starr and Edwards embarked on an unexpected collaboration that would result in a revolutionary breakthrough in cardiac surgery -- the invention of the world’s first successful artificial mitral heart valve.
At the Mended Hearts® meetings, Medical Professionals, Cardiologists, Nurses, and other professionals give presentations to help us learn how to properly care for our heart health. We learn how to lead a healthier life, with good diet choices, the importance of sleep, and the benefits of healthy exercise. There is so much to learn. We hope you enjoy our meetings and continue to attend.

It's great to be alive, and to help others.

Our chapter is sponsored by Salem Health, and is managed via volunteers both from Salem Hospital staff and member volunteers. These people will be glad to help you should you have any questions, or please email us at info@mendedhearts-salemor.org and we will get your question to our support group.

Chapter Officers Hospital Volunteers (CVCU)
Advisory Board
To inspire hope and improve the quality of life of heart patients and their families through on-going support, education and advocacy.
To be the premier nationwide resource and peer-to-peer network for all heart patients and families affected by heart disease across the lifespan. We welcome your interest and participation at any level.
Major Mission
A major mission of the Mended Hearts® organization is to provide volunteer visitors to heart patients in hospitals. If you are interested in volunteering to become a visitor, please email us at Volunteer@MendedHearts-SalemOr.Org.

Friday, March 28th, 2025 -
Salem, Oregon 97301

© 2025, The Mended Hearts®, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mended Hearts® is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.